Jan. meeting presentation BitX20 transceiver

At the January meeting Frank W4NHJ presented information and demonstrated his BitX20 kit. This is a VFO controlled, 20m transceiver that operates USB/SSB. The radio is capable of ~20 watts output. Frank discussed several variations of the radio kit and where they are available online. If you would like to review his presentation, please click …

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Dec. meeting covers Meteor Scatter and WSJT

  At the December meeting, Andy K1RA discussed the upcoming meteor shower and presented information on VHF meteor scatter and the WSJT program. The information covered the various meteor showers during the year and how they affect radio propagation. He also talked about the history of various radio modes one could use for scatter to …

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Oct. meetings covers Yagi-Uda antennas

  John KX4O presented information on the Yagi-Uda antenna to include a brief timeline covering it’s early beginning, patent and various designs over the years. John provided an overview of the antennas electrical characteristics covering element currents and mutual coupling and how to build various classic and NBS antennas. He showed several designs including optimizing …

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August meeting covers Useful Tools and 144 MHz ESkip

  At the August meeting Harv K2PI presented information on what he considers his most useful tools and accessories in his toolkit. He provided a show and tell of these items including a presentation that documented where one could acquire these and similar items online. This was a great presentation that led into a discussion …

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March meeting covers J-pole antenna analysis

  At the March meeting John KX4O provided us with his presentation on “Myths and facts of the J-Pole antenna and it variants”. John modeled a typical 1/4 wave length ground plane as a reference and then provided several comparisons of various J-pole configurations. He used a combination of NEC and FDTD antenna modeling software …

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January meeting LDE’s and 2012 Board Members

At our January meeting we recognized FARA’s 2012 board members to include Andy K1RA (president), Tom KG3V (vice president), Greg KI4ZKJ (treasurer) and Harv K2PI (secretary). The activities manager position is currently vacant and we are looking for volunteers.   Also at the January meeting Harv K2PI presented information regarding Long Delayed Echoes or LDE’s …

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October presentation shows operations from DX locations

  This October Harv K2PI presented a pictorial of his DX travels from over 27 yrs. He discussed the challenges of operating from both common and rare DX locations. Harv covered some excellent information including his 7 steps for success when considering operating from abroad. To download and review Harv’s PPT presentation (4MB) click here.