Field Day 2018

ARRL’s 2018 Field Day WHERE:  CM Crockett Park at 10066 Rogues Rd, Midland, VA 22728 . WHAT:  ARRL’s Field Day 2018 WHEN:  June 23 (2pm) – June 24 (2pm). Please visit our Field Day page for more information. Members: Members can view current equipment and operator needs here:  Field Day Organizer

Club breakfast well attended

FARA Slub Breakfast April 2018

Many FARA members attend the monthly breakfasts in Warrenton, Virginia discussing all manner of things concerning amateur radio and other topics. Focus included final thoughts on VAQP 2018 and the upcoming ARRL Field Day.

FARA member part of Horse Endurance Ride volunteers

Vet Checkpoint

A member of FARA joined numerous volunteers of all stripes to help with communication relaying during the April 2018 Old Dominion Horse Endurance Ride near Star Tannery, Virginia. As the photos attest, communications were an important, but yet small part of the entire effort required to execute events like this. The health of the horse …

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Technical Net

Every Sun. @ 8pm on the W4VA 2m repeater – 147.165+ PL 167.9 Hz – Informal discussions of technical topics, Q&A, operating events, procedures, etc.