Properly Adjust Your SDR Software Waterfall

Here are some thoughts on one way to adjust your SDR and waterfall for “optimal” reception and viewing. This is my preferred style; there are others, but my hope is that these examples will help illustrate what each of the controls do and what the observable effects are. These examples use the AirSpy HF Discovery …

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FARA Fox Hunt

The Fox Den is excited and proud to present the Fauquier Amateur Radio Association’s First Annual Fox Hunt on Saturday, 19 October 2019! This will be a 2m Fox Hunt, so plan your equipment accordingly. The fox will be transmitting on 146.550 MHz, and will be turned loose at 13:00 EDT. The hunt will end at 15:00, …

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Congratulations! Richard Zwirko, K1HTV – Recipient of the Prestigious Krenkel Medal

The Fauquier Amateur Radio Association is pleased to congratulate Rich Zwirko, K1HTV, on his recent nomination for, and award of the Krenkel Medal. The Krenkel Medal is a highly prestigious honor awarded to a very select group of international recipients, all of whom have made major lifetime contributions to amateur radio and radio communications.  Rich …

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FARA Field Day 2019

The Members of FARA again this year participated in the annual ARRL Field Day Event.  This year our Field Day Chairman was our President, KN4GDX, his first time being involved with Field Day in this capacity.  We also were able to get some pre-Field Day press coverage:

The weather prediction

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