VA QSO Party 2021

Once again the members of FARA fanned out across the Commonwealth for the annual Virginia QSO Party. The Association was very pleased that a lot of our newer members set out on their first amateur radio event. Some of our members turned the outing into a family trip like KX4O We also had our long …

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FARA VE Session Results in 32 New Hams

On February 27, 2021, ARRL VEs and volunteers held a VE session at the Warrenton-Fauquier Airport in Midland, VA sponsored by FARA.   Multiple clubs participated in conducting the session:  Fauquier Amateur Radio Association (FARA), Stafford Amateur Radio Association (SARA), Rappahannock Valley Amateur Radio Club (RVARC), and Catastrophic Amateur Tactical Squad (KC4TS).  The test resulted in …

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KM4OZH’s Roves ARRL VHF Contest

KM4OZH/R Antenna's Side

Gil, KM4OZH, participated as a limited rover in the ARRL January VHF contest with his rolling Mercedes-Benz antenna farm. He was able to activate eight different grids, admitting he was “Driving too much and operating too little”.  “Traffic was not bad and neither was the weather”.   He was scared off by snow in the Pennsylvania …

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FARA Holds First VE Session in Many Years

Thanks to Katie and David Gilliam, K4TER and N7RCE, the FARA held its first VE Session in many years. The club has been wanting to resume VE sessions for a while and with the pandemic restricting the number of VE sessions, the desire was even greater. Katie and David who had just joined our club …

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FARA’s 2020 Field Day Deployment

ARRL Field Day 2020 was certainly different that any previous Field Day event.  Because of the pandemic and social distancing (a phrase that we all are sick of hearing) the ARRL temporarily change the rules to allow club scoring from individual participating stations.   We as a club decided near the end of May that we …

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FARA February 29th Fox Hunt

On a chilly February day, FARA members conducted another fun Fox Hunt.  The exercise took place the afternoon of February 29th, 2020.  This time the Fox Den was led by Bob, KN4SPL along with Garth, K4BOX, and Mike, KF4TEK making up the rest of this iteration of the Fox Den. The hunters gathered in a …

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