Fox Hunt April 2022

FARA held the first of its three scheduled Fox Hunts for 2022 on April 16th, and Mother Nature cooperated nicely with beautiful spring weather. The hunters assembled at the Warrenton-Fauquier Airport parking lot in Midland, VA to begin the hunt. About 20 people turned out, including club members with their young children, and a few …

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FARA Does VAQP 2022

As springtime came to the rolling hills of Fauquier County in March so did the Virginia QSO party – a big event for the membership of FARA. This year brought a great deal of excitement and anticipation since the COVID-19 restrictions were gone and the solar cycle 25 had really ramped up. Some members of …

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2021 Holiday Party

For the first time in a very long time, FARA held a Holiday party this year at the John Barton Payne building in Warrenton. It had been suggested many times to have one and this year we went ahead with it. The organizers were Diana, KO4QJR, and Bob, KT4BOB, who did a wonderful job getting …

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Great Pumpkin Ride of 2021

As the fall colors descend on Fauquier County’s countryside, the Fauquier Trails Coalition holds its annual Great Pumpkin Ride (GPR) over the roads and trails in the county. The GPR is a fundraiser for the small group of volunteers for the construction and maintence of new trails throughout scenic Fauquier County. The ride consists of …

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Field Day 2021 FARA Finally Gets Together

After missing a whole year of face-to-face club activities due to the pandemic, the members of FARA had the opportunity to gather and see one another again, or for the first time, as the club gathered for the annual ARRL Field Day at C.M. Crockett Park in Midland, VA. This year’s effort was led by …

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VA QSO Party 2021

Once again the members of FARA fanned out across the Commonwealth for the annual Virginia QSO Party. The Association was very pleased that a lot of our newer members set out on their first amateur radio event. Some of our members turned the outing into a family trip like KX4O We also had our long …

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FARA VE Session Results in 32 New Hams

On February 27, 2021, ARRL VEs and volunteers held a VE session at the Warrenton-Fauquier Airport in Midland, VA sponsored by FARA.   Multiple clubs participated in conducting the session:  Fauquier Amateur Radio Association (FARA), Stafford Amateur Radio Association (SARA), Rappahannock Valley Amateur Radio Club (RVARC), and Catastrophic Amateur Tactical Squad (KC4TS).  The test resulted in …

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