Net Control Ops

To view the Net Control Calendar please go to W4VA Net Control Operator Scheduling Calendar.

This page is for Net Control Operators or those preparing to be one.

FARA uses a software package called Netlogger to make the Net Control Operator’s job easier and keep our nets consistent.  It tracks check-ins, who you have worked, preferred names,  etc.  It is important that you install the software from the website (versions for Windows, Apple and Linux are available) and read the installation, setup and use for FARA.  This can be downloaded here:

FARA Netlogger Setup and Use

There is a Net Control folder set up that you can use to add addition information as needed here: Net Control Operator’s Folder

Below are quick links to the editable Net scripts for Wednesday and Sunday combined, color coded for the different nights.  It is in three formats: Word (.docx), open source format (.odt), and and non-editable PDF (.pdf) format.  This should make it very easy to create working script for that evenings net.  Remember Wednesday Night is the General Service Net and Sunday is the Technical Service Net.

After those is an example of content that you may want to include that evening as a guideline.  This was from November 3rd 2019.  Feel free to put in content that you feel relevant that evening.  Feel free to use your own style and ad-lib, it is encouraged to use your own style.   As long as the content it is pertinent to Amateur radio then by all means include it.

If you have questions or need assistance please feel free to ask the the Board for assistance.

Thank you very much for your participation!

Net Script

Net Control Operator Script

Example content

Example Sunday FARA Net from 2019-11-3
Example Wednesday FARA Net 2023-10-18 by Ron K3FR

Net Control Operator Training

Accompanying slide show for video below: Introduction to FARA NCO by K1RA