4-H Club Fox Hunt

Date: Oct 14, 2023
Time: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Location: Fauquier Farms Tour - See description

As part of the Fauquier County Fall Farm Tour this Saturday October 14th, the 4-H Ham Radio Club youth will be hosting a fox hunt from 10:00-2:00. The fox hunt is open to the public, so please share this information broadly with others. Training, radios, and antennas will be available at the event for those who have never participated in a hidden radio transmitter hunt, or don’t have their own equipment.

The map of farms participating in the Fall Farm Tour is located at https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/2b81497fae334614960e9f7a831ff998. The fox (along with the 4-H Ham Radio Club trailer) will be at one of the farms on the tour. There isn’t an official start location or time as the event is intended to encourage as many people to participate as possible throughout the 4 hours, but you should be able to hear the fox from Old Town Warrenton. The fox frequency will be 146.595 MHz and transmitting as N4HKZ. If you have trouble locating which farm, or don’t have the equipment/experience to find it, don’t worry you can still participate! Send me a direct message or email me at , and I will provide you the farm location so you can come out and start the hunt from there. Throughout the event, we will be monitoring the W4VA 147.165(+), FM PL 167.9 Hz repeater if you need help; we will also use that repeater for any announcements (technical issues, safety items, etc.).

In addition to the fox hunt, we will have some activities geared for families including making morse code bracelets, NTS radiograms, and a multi-operator station participating in the Solar Eclipse QSO Party.


Nic Wall (KY4OP)
Volunteer Club Leader
4-H Ham Radio Club (N4HKZ)
Fauquier County 4-H