FARA monthly club meeting of members. Visitors are encouraged. 6-7PM pre-meeting social hour.
For the time being, we plan to incorporate “simulcasting” the live meetings with WebEx for the convenience of those who are unable attend, or who are not comfortable with in-person meetings yet.
Click here for meeting details.
To participate virtually please go to the Join Meeting Online page.
Virginia Volunteer Examiners Test Session
Test sessions are the 3rd Saturday of every month at 09:30 at the Porter Library in Stafford, VA off Garrisonville Road. Details can be found
NOTE: Please contact Milan with Virginia Volunteer Examiners at to register.
You must have your FCC FRN in order to test. If you do not have a FRN you can obtain one beforehand by registering with the FCC ULS System and creating a new ULS registration. Follow this link https://apps.fcc.gov/coresWeb/publicHome.do to get your FRN.
If this date is inconvenient for you, other Clubs in the area hold their own exams and you can find other sessions by going to the ARRL exam session locator at this link: Find an Amateur Radio License Exam Session.
Email Milan, NØEUV, for more information at: to register.
You can visit the Virginia Volunteer Examiners at their website.
General information go to the SPARC VAQP Website.
A informal gathering of FARA member’s open to all interested in Amateur Radio is held The Bistro on the Hill the last Saturday of every month. The Bistro is located in Fauquier Hospital located in the lower level. Join us for a time to socialize, discuss and ask questions about amateur radio.
You need to enter from the main Hospital entrance, take a immediate right after you enter, then and follow the signs to the Bistro which to take you to the elevator to go down to the lower level.
All are invited including the family and those interested in the club.