Public Service


The Fauquier Amateur Radio Association (FARA) considers public service an important facet of supporting our local community. While times change and service opportunities evolve, the unique communication capabilities of amateur radio provide a force multiplier for many situations. Currently FARA members support the following events:

Old Dominion Horse Endurance Ride

Endurance riding almost always involves mountainous terrain with checkpoints for horse health assessment and other organizational assets on opposite sides of ridge lines. Cell phones are marginal at best and too often useless. The amateur radio VHF bands easily cross these ridge lines utilizing diffraction propagation. This capability combined with typical amateur net procedures help close the communication link between the ride assets. Amateur radio and endurance riding are a perfect combination.

Great Pumpkin Ride

This popular annual event involves rest stops at various locations around Fauquier County, Virginia. Cell phones work, but the party line approach of net style radio communications helps disseminate critical information quickly to all rest stops. This one to many capability adds a helpful layer to the organizers’ planning.

Your event?

Have an event with communication issues?  Perhaps FARA volunteers can help. Contact David, at to open a dialog.