About Our Club

The Fauquier Amateur Radio Association (FARA) is an ARRL-affiliated association in the Roanoke Division. The association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization located in Warrenton, Virginia, the county seat of Fauquier County.

Our focus includes contesting, ARESĀ® activities, community support, education and amateur radio outreach.  Please download our Brochure for more information.

Past community support

In the past we assisted the Boy Scouts with Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) a worldwide activity coinciding with Boy Scout events everywhere.

Don helps the Scouts contact other JOTA stations.

We are available to support your Warrenton-area event with FREE radio communications.

We support:

  • Walk-a-Thons,
  • Parades,
  • Dressage Events,
  • Bike Rides

Need Communications for your event?

We are available to support your Fauquier-area event with FREE radio communications.

Consider the alternative radio systems first

Consider GMRS/FRS Radios if the communication distances are under 1/2 mile
Many forms of radio equipment systems are available to every citizen including General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) and Family Radio Service (FRS) radios. FRS radios are especially a good value and will provide excellent communications within a half mile or so. FRS radios are very low power, but do not require a license from the FCC. GMRS radios are very similar to FRS radios; GMRS radios have more power and more range, but require a per-family license from the FCC for a modest cost. Both GMRS and FRS radios are easy to purchase at many retail establishments including Home Depot and other home improvement and big box stores. The latest trend is radios that provide both GMRS and FRS channels in the same radio. Using the same high quality FM modulation we use in our amateur radio systems, GMRS and FRS radios may fulfill your volunteers’ short range communications needs for your event.

Consider MURS Radio if the communication distances are under a couple miles
The Multi-Use Radio Service (MURS) is also a viable option.  Using the VHF band and a bit more power MURS radios often exceed the range of FRS radios as well as non-repeater GMRS radios.  The MURS service is relatively unknown and equipment is more expensive.  However, battery packs are often larger, last longer and represent a more traditional portable radio than the less robust FRS and GMRS radios.

Cellular Phones
One cannot deny the cell/smart phone has come a very long way.  These days email on the hip = NBD.  For point to point contacts in most any terrain the cell phone provides a lot of communication capability in a modest package.  The cell companies have done a very good job of tower deployment to make this possible.  There are some spots in Virginia where cell coverage is spotty depending on your provider.  Read about one amateur radio operator’s solution to his unique non-cell communication requirements and how it likely saved his life.  Our advice is to make good use of the cell system where practical.  It doesn’t solve every problem, but practically everyone has a cell phone now so this is often a good value to the event’s communication needs.

Need more range?  Need the one-to-many broadcast capability?  Our repeater systems are ready.

FARA can help if your communication needs span Fauquier County
If your event requires communications beyond half mile or your volunteers do not want to handle your communication needs please feel free to contact us. With our higher power handheld and mobile amateur radio equipment, our licensed radio operators, plus our ideally situated VHF FM Repeaters, our members can help when GMRS, FRS and MURS radios fall short.

If you have an event coming up at least two months from today that could benefit from radio communications, please contact our public service coordinator, John Huggins.