Great Pumpkin Ride 2023


Every year the when the Halloween season comes around, the Fauquier Trails Coalition sponsors the Great Pumpkin Ride in the southern half of Fauquier County. Approximately 1,200 cyclists from across the area participate in the fun event which has routes of 24, 49 and 64 miles for each level of ability.

The members of FARA support the event each year by providing communication support at all the rest stops along the route, with net control at the start finish line working with event coordinators. Our operators can quickly ask for rest stop replenishment, calls for a SAG (Support and Gear) wagon for breakdowns or other issues, and if necessary, contact emergency services.

The event is a fun for all the participants, as many of the cyclists dress up in costume and decorate their bikes. It also a chance for the members of FARA to put into practice proper net control procedures and serve the community we support.
The event place on October 28th, with excellent riding weather, and everyone appeared to be in the spirit of the season. The event went off very well without any major breakdowns, spare one EMS necessary for a fallen rider. FARA members performed their roles well and enjoy participating in the event.

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Congratulations to the FARA team and to Ginger O’Brien, the FTC GPR event coordinator on another successful event!

Enjoy the slideshow from the event (click on image to view full size)

Start SigninStart Ready To GoStart Fau Finest SzStart CrowdStart And They Are OffMidland Mike And MikeMidland Riders LeavingRemington Riders DecendRic At RemingtonMt. Horeb CrowdRemington Costume RiderRemington Bike DecorMt. Horeb Bruce And AntMt Horeb RadiosMt Horeb Bike DecorPowers Paul SetupPowers Radio SetupFinish Line Net ControlFinish T ShirtsFinish Line Chuck And Mike Ric