With field day coming up I thought I would share a couple of pictures.

The first is a QSL card from Dave Garrish Sr. in 1990 when I ran the novice station for my very first field day. We had Field Day at Vint Hill. Dave sent this to me as a memento. Notice the call sign, this is where the club call came from. After Dave senior Died, I went to Dave Jr., I was club president at the time and asked him if we could get the call sign. He was all for it and later we got it bequeathed to the club.used water slide for sale
The second picture was when AB4YK was president and we had our first field day at Crockett Park. Neil do you remember what year it was? This was the year it rain mostly and Neil delivered lunch via truck while we huddled in our tents. We had Wendy’s Chile and Hot Coffee and it was greatly appreciated Also notice the Club Flag, it was the first year for it too. Karen Sue Walker and My Wife, Joyce Gould made the flag.<
73, N4YXW